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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall....

I am not writing this blog to rejoice in my vices. Its just a small attempt at self evaluation, i just hope i have chosen my faults well.

1. Technically challenged: No amount of training has been able to do away with this handicap of mine. The instructions in the technical jargon fade away from my memory like water from cupped hands or even faster than that. I am a person living in the 21 st century with a distinction of the 16th century. I have been using computer right from standard VI but i don't consider myself germane at anything farther than doing a copy and paste and i know i am myself culpable for this. It took me almost a month to figure out how to change the looks of this blog :P !

2. I have often regretted my speech, never my silence: spontaneity is appreciated by many but its not something i can pull off. It does more harm than good at both professional and personal levels. The impulse to react is sometimes so overwhelming that it erodes the general prudence completely and then what remains is some anguish.
Trying very much to avoid it, success rate to be evaluated by others.

3. Procrastination: Many suffer from this malady and it is somewhat acute in my case as well. Given a choice i will defer something till eternity. its an appalling habit and just because it has so far never backfired i have persisted with it.

4. I love Stress: I have an unfortunate habit of following a completely opposite trajectory than the rest of the world. when the rest of the world is advocating lower stress levels for a good life, i am disposed to think of it as otherwise. i know its not something to be spirited about but i am not apologetic about it either. i am living by the principle that " performance is directly proportional to the stress level". it has served me well and also makes up somewhat for my habit of deferring things.

5. I have a congenital weakness of not being able to take criticism well. Worst part i cannot even masquerade it for some other expression. it is there out in the open for every one to see and coupled with the impulsive nature that i have the misfortune of having, its fatal. rationally speaking I know that criticism is positive but some how it pierces badly.

I would refrain from writing more as it has already dampened me a bit, i would also very much appreciate when those who know me would help me complete this one.

1 comment:

  1. You really think after point Nr. 5 people would dare to help you complete your blog? :)
